Guided to Silence:

Zoetic’s Silent Meditation & Breathwork Sunrise Session

Every morning from 7:30-8:15am

When you wake up excited to feel the fresh morning breeze on your face, genuinely curious what thoughts will swim to the surface during this brief time you carve out to spend in the company of the great teacher, Silence, you feel in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Every morning Zoetic has a free Silent Meditation session, the position you choose to be in for the time is up to you. Some people sit on the floor, some in chairs. Some people lay on a yoga mat, and some stand. You are welcome to be however you are most comfortable. During this session we make a vow to ourselves and each other to remain mostly still and silent for 30 min, returning to the moment over and over, every time our minds wander.

After the 30 min silent meditation, there will be a 10 min breathing exercise that you may stay for, or not.

Bring your own sit cushion or grab one of ours from the prop area behind the fireplace. You’ll receive further instructions when you rsvp and a Zoetic team member will meet you on your first visit and show you around.

You are invited to arrive early for the tea bar or stay late to visit with the giant rabbit OooNa inside and the 7 fainting dwarf goats outside.

The session is not entirely silent. It is at the discretion of whoever is guiding the time (Zoetic team & volunteers welcome) how much to say, or to leave unsaid, during the 30min. That said ;) it’s mostly silence.