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Slow Yoga

This class is similar to a Yin Yoga class. It’s Yin-ish. We call it Yin-ish because we play around a bit with the length of the holds and poses, while still keeping the true meditative spirit of Yin at the forefront.  The class consists of simple floor stretches held for 1-3min, sometimes in silence, sometimes with experimental or abstract music, guided to inspire you to really be with your body, in the moment, as it transitions between postures

This class is excellent for people with over active minds, or people who have found meditation challenging in the past.  Yin yoga is a great place to explore and examine silence and stillness within a yoga posture, while remaining in your comfort zone with some movement required. The simple poses and transitions between stretches are effective reminders to come back to yourself and your body, and to love what you find there. Holding the poses a bit longer than usual, a space in opens and welcomes you to the moment. 

The energy of practicing with others in a group is surprisingly effective at capturing and holding your attention. Yin yoga provides an opportunity to those with a ‘restless body’ who seemingly ‘can’t sit still’ to be held by the moment in the energy of the unconditional friendliness of those around you.

You are a vast and powerful energy moving through time across the face of the earth. Yin yoga can help you remember that.  

September 25

Practice -moving meditation

September 27

Practice -moving meditation